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Why art?


art is my life Ever since I could use a pen, I've been painting. Even in kindergarten, they were convinced that I had above-average artistic talent. It took me many years to see that myself. Making art a relevant part of life never seemed like an option to me.


It took many years before the thought of art could mature in me and I wanted to try it. I studied the pictures of the old masters and the structure of old paintings. I experimented with colors and materials until I found the right mix for my work.  


I love the process when an image is created. I love creating something new, something that comes from my thoughts and my brush and yet in the end mysteriously has nothing to do with me but is a work in its own right.   


Creating art means learning to see. sharpen the eye. Abstract the real. see things as they are. The eye is an artist's most important tool.  


For as long as I've been thinking, I've been thinking in pictures. Images and symbols are an essential part of my language. It's the way I can express what I can't express in words.


beauty  is the first criterion I set for my art. This may seem anachronistic to some. I would like to counter this with the timelessness of beauty, the immortality of symmetry.


My art wants to be uplifting and uplifting. Because beauty makes life worth living. beauty heals. beauty speaks. filled with beauty.


simplicity is limited to the essentials. She only says what needs to be said.  Beauty and simplicity move me.


Beauty is the splendor of the divine, simplicity its essence.

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